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Modifying Matrix Items


This article describes how to modify items belonging to an item matrix group.


Use the Item Matrix Wizard to modify a matrix item belonging to a particular matrix group.

To modify an individual matrix item, do the following:

  1. From the Items browser, select View > Matrix Items.
  2. Highlight the matrix item to be modified and select Options > Edit > In New Window.
  3. The matrix item is listed in the Item Profile for modification.
  4. Change as required and save the profile.

You can also open the individual matrix item in the Item Profile from the following alternative location:

  1. Open the Item Matrix Groups browser from Inventory > Item Matrix > Matrix Groups
  2. Select Options > View Items. You will see the Matrix Items browser.
  3. From the Matrix Items browser, highlight the individual matrix item you want to edit and select Options > Edit > In New Window. You will see the matrix item in the Item Profile.
    Note: You can modify only those matrix items that have been created. The Active column in the Matrix Items browser is selected for the matrix items that have been created.
  4. Change the order of the attributes by selecting an attribute and clicking the Up and Down arrows to move an attribute up or down on the list.
  5. Change as required and save the profile.

Example scenario: 

The price of an individual matrix item can be reduced by $5 when only an individual matrix item is available at a discount price by modifying the matrix item as explained above.

Refer to Managing Items: Modify Multiple Items from the administration manual for additional information on how to modify any of the following without having to create a new matrix:

  • Individual items belonging to an item matrix group
  • Multiple items belonging to an item matrix group
  • Composition of the item matrix group
  • Activate Matrix Item Combinations not selected previously

Video examples covering the above scenarios are available at Inventory: Matrix.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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