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Adding Items to Everest


This article explains the process of adding Items to Everest which can either be done individually through the Items Browser or through a bulk import using the Data Import Wizard and uploading the Items import Excel template.



Follow either of the two methods described below to add Items into Everest:

Adding individual items

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Items, to open the Items Browser.
  2. Click New and choose between "In new window" or "In current window"
  3. Enter the item information as needed
    Note: Mandatory fields are Item Code, Item type, Description, and Category
  4. Click Save

Adding items in bulk

To do a bulk import, you would need a copy of the Items template (Items.xls) located at..\Icode\Everest\Client\Utilities\ImportTemplates, in the Everest client installation directory. A copy of this template is also attached to this article.

Use this template to import information related to individual items. You can also use this template to import or update default vendor-related information. If the information on the default vendor already exists in Everest, the default vendor information is updated.

  • The templates and the information contained in them can change. Be sure to check the ImportTemplates directory for the latest templates and information.

  • For Item imports, only the company defaults are used for Inventory Adjustment and Inventory accounts.

Take note of the following mandatory fields required for importing an Item:

Column Name Column Description
ITEM_TYPE Item type
CATEGORY Category code
PURC_MEAS Default Purchase measure for the item
SALE_MEAS Default Sales Measure for the item
STOCK_MEAS Stock measure of the item


After filling in the Excel template with the Items data to be uploaded/imported, run the Data Import Wizard to import the data as follows:

  1. Log in to Everest and navigate to Utility > Import > Data and click Next
  2. Choose ITEMS then click Next
  3. Choose Excel Spreadsheet for the Import file type
  4. Browse for the Excel template containing the Item data to be uploaded
  5. Choose the worksheet to Import
  6. Check Update information for existing items if you want to update existing items
  7. Click Next
  8. Map the fields (The mandatory fields must be mapped accordingly)
  9. Click Start
Note: It is recommended to first try uploading the file on your test instance and resolve any data issues before uploading to your Production instance.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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