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Chapter 2: Setting Up a Company: The Location Profile - Inventory


This KB article will provide the user with useful information about the Inventory tab for a location profile.


  • The Inventory tab can be used to specify sequence numbers for inventory such as the next serial number for serialized items, and the document numbers for inventory adjustments, stock transfers, and work orders.
  • Every location can have separate serial numbers for items and sequence numbers for inventory documents.
  • The serial and sequence numbers specified for the location of the login location/sublocation are used.
  • If serial/sequence numbers are not specified in the Location profile, the numbers specified in the default location are used.

While editing an existing location, by default, 100000 will be the sequence number for all the fields in this tab, as shown in the figure below:


Figure 2.53: Location Profile - Inventory Tab

A brief description of these fields is shared below:

  • Serial # 
    Enter a sequence number for the next serial number to be generated for a serialized inventory.
  • Stock Transfer #
    Enter a sequence number assigned for the next stock transfer document to be generated.
  • Inventory Adjustment #
    Enter a sequence number assigned for the next inventory adjustment document to be generated.
  • Work Order #
    Enter a sequence number assigned for the next work order (used in the assembly process) to be generated.
  • Lot #
    Enter the next sequence number for lots to be generated for the selected location.

    Note: To enable lot tracking for an item, inventoried and serialized, you have to check the Use lot tracking and Auto generate lot numbers options in the Purchases tab of the Items profile, located in the following path:
    Inventory > Items > Options > Edit > In New Window


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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