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Sales Invoice (WOIC) report not showing tracking details when printed


This article provides the solution to a known customer defect affecting Everest 8.0.22 where the Tracking shipment details are not showing on all sales invoices printed while choosing report type 'Sale Invoice (WOIC)'.

The tracking details will only show on the last sales invoice instead of showing on all the Sales Invoices as expected.


The above issue was determined to be a customer defect affecting version 8.0.22.

The issue was fixed and released in version 8.0.25 hence upgrading to this version or newer should resolve the issue.

Customers wishing to maintain v8.0.22 can implement a hotfix to update the specific report file by following these steps:

  1. Launch the Windows Explorer on the Everest server and browse to <%installdir%>\Icode\Everest\Reports\Reports\Invoice.
  2. Locate theMultiple Customer Document WOIC (Single Line).CZRreport file and rename it to maintain a backup copy of the old report.
  3. Download the updated Multiple Customer Document WOIC (Single Line).CZR report file attached at the bottom of this article and copy it to the same Reports directory on the Everest server.


  1. Navigate to Invoicing > Sales Invoices from the Everest main menu
  2. Filter the list by the same customer
  3. Select Multiple Invoice (Must have tracking numbers) > Right Click > Print
  4. Select Report Type > Sales Invoice (WOIC)
  5. Tick "Include shipment tracking #"
  6. Preview to confirm that Tracking details are displaying on all sales invoices.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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